It all started when…
Ben Fuery and Lucy Pinnell graduated university in 2015 with an FdA in Action Photography. Their shared interest in travel, as well as documentary and urban exploration photography brought them together over time, and upon graduation they decided to begin travelling the world together with cameras in hand.
Over the course of three years on the road they have sought out photo documentary projects focussing on topics such as nomadism, cultural traditions, the effects of recent political events and the difficulties of living in remote areas, as well as documenting their own lifestyles and the challenges of living in constant motion. The Balkans has been an area of great inspiration for them both in capturing photographs, creating videos and telling the stories of the people they have met along the way.
Growing up in former mining town in South West England, Ben initially drew much inspiration from the dilapidated abandonment that surrounded him in his every day life. As a young teenager, he began to document the decaying structures and crumbling history of this once great industrious hub. Lying in the very heart of Cornwall, famous for sandy beaches, fish, chips and sandcastles lay a town that had virtually been forgotten.
It wasn’t just buildings that were laying dormant and forgotten here. High unemployment, teenage pregnancy rates, crime and political disillusion was rife. This forgotten landscape leant Ben inspiration to pursue his interests in the arts, as well as current social and political issues.
Fast forward 15 years, Ben is travelling the world, seeking opportunities to share stories from forgotten lands and to meet remote communities with the aim of documenting their existences, to learn of their survival and to showcase alternative ways of living.
Lucy began writing and taking photos at an early age, but has spent the recent years developing her style in both fields, and currently writes for online magazines as well as the couple’s own website and social media account with a particular emphasis on travel writing.
Her interests in photography have grown from their roots in live music, 35mm and Lomography to encompass portraiture, landscape and above all photojournalism.
For Lucy, weaving together a combination of poignant words and imagery is a means of creating impacting and meaningful stories that highlight lesser-known issues that the world is facing today.
Life Framer - Shortlist
An image from our Transient series was selected in the shortlist for the Home Sweet Home competition run by Life Framer in 2023.